Whether you're fishing, rafting or hiking along the mighty Cattaraugus Creek, you will see some of the most spectacular scenery in Western New York. Please note, however, this can be a very dangerous place with large drop offs, vast wilderness, and sweeping currents.
Steelhead Fishing
One of our most popular fishing destinations in Cattaraugus County is the Cattaraugus Creek, which borders our county on the north, and has been listed in the top 10 Steelhead Fishing sites by fishing magazines. Zoar Valley MUA features fishing opportunities on Holcomb Pond, Ross Pond, Cattaraugus Creek and the South Branch of Cattaraugus Creek. The Cattaraugus Creek and the South Branch are both trout streams, with steelhead. DEC also holds public fishing rights on Cattaraugus Creek downstream from Zoar Valley MUA. Several sections cross into Seneca Nation territory, and there are also private landowners, so you must know where you are going first.
Fishing Guides:
Adventure Bound onthefly - 716-217-4047 or AdventureBoundontheFly.com
Cattaraugus Creek Outfitters - 716-479-2327 or www.ccoFlyFishing.com
Sweetwater Fly Fishing Guide Service - 716-472-3934 or WNYFlyFishing.com
Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area
Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area encompasses approximately 2,939 acres of land commonly used for hiking. Deer Lick Conservation Area is a specific part of Zoar Valley and used very commonly for hikers. Deer Lick Nature Sanctuary Trail is a 3.1 mile moderately trafficked loop trail located near Gowanda, New York that features a river and is good for all skill levels. However, it is very important to remain on the trails at all time to be safe. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from March until October. Again, many attractive lands in the Zoar Valley are privately owned. Please observe posted signs and obtain permission before accessing any private property. No alcohol or glass containers are permitted in Deer Lick.